RISA-3D/Tekla Link Integration Procedure

The RISA-Tekla link sends the geometry, materials, shape types, boundary conditions, end releases, design parameters and loading automatically to/from Tekla Structures into RISA-3D. This allows you to perform a one-way transfer of information between RISA-3D and Tekla.

Here we will walk through the steps required to both export and import a model in Tekla Structures.

Export from Tekla Structures to RISA-3D

1. Creating the Tekla Structures Analysis Model

You must first create a complete analysis model in Tekla Structures, including applying any loading, boundary conditions, end releases, design parameters, loading, etc. that you wish to transfer from Tekla to RISA-3D.


2. Setting the Analysis Application to RISA-3D and Defining your Creation Method.

Make sure to choose RISA-3D as the Analysis application and choose whether you want the Full Model or By selected parts and loads.

3. Verify the Analysis Model

Before exporting double-check the analysis model. Specifically:

Poor Connectivity Good Connectivity


Make sure to only transfer structural elements to RISA-3D. Any miscellaneous steel should either:

Be deleted from the analysis model. This is done by clicking on the analytical member and pressing Delete.

Beam BeforeBeam After


The element should be defined with a Class of XX - Ignore (double-click an analytical member to view it's properties).

4. Export the Model

Click Export.

Choose the File Location (or use the default) and press OK.

If you have RISA-3D installed on this machine check the Launch RISA Application after Export checkbox.

5. View the Export Summary Dialog

This dialog will give a summary of elements exported, as well as give any errors or warnings that occurred with the export.

6. View the RISA-3D Model

If the Launch RISA Application checkbox was checked then RISA-3D will open automatically.  If not then an exchange file will have been created (.exc extension).

From RISA-3D go to File > Import > Tekla Structures Exchange File and navigate to the .exc file.

Import from RISA-3D to Tekla Structures

1. Create and Solve the RISA-3D (.r3d) Model and Save Results (.__s).

At solution the program will calculation the member end reactions. These will be saved in the results file when you save results.

2. Create and Save a Blank Tekla Structures File.

Note that any existing elements in the file will be deleted when you import the RISA-3D model.

3. Generate an Analysis Model and Press Import.

Choose RISA-3D as the Analysis application, say OK, and then press the Import button.

4. Choose RISA-3D File and Click OK.

5. View the Import Summary Dialog

View this dialog to see the Export Summary and the Error & Warning Messages.